The art of I don’t give a shit

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Honestly I do. I always do. But seeing how people (especially you) behave in recent time, it just giving me the idea of whatever it is that involves people (especially you) is just not worth my time and my energy like it used to. People (especially you) just tend to make things fuckin’ complicated and it’s just so tedious and overwhelming. It’s just like you try to drink a glass of water but you make it like you have to go to the top of a mountain looking for some fresh water while there’s a clean river nearby.

Thanks to you and everybody else in this world, I can finally have a valid reason to not give a shit about anything and just do whatever the fuck I wanted to do. Regardless of people’s opinion including yours, ’cause if I have to be honest whatever people say about anything (including yours) just make me wanna vomit. It comes to the point where the only reaction that I can give whenever someone (including you) talk about something is just ‘what the fuck are you talking about?’.

Life can be short. Life is short. The way you live your life is totally depend on yourself. Yes you may be forced to be or to do something due to your own circumstances but ultimately it’s your own choice to be and do whatever you want. Open up your eyes, there’s more in this world to explore even if you’re just sitting in your bedroom. Life find it’s path, and if my path goes to a way where I can just be free without having to put people’s thought in mind, I think I’m fine with that.

Ignoring things or people’s who I used to interact with is hard, especially for me who always enjoy someone else’s companion. But for now, it’s just not worth it. Unless…

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